Policies and Procedures
Student Handbook
CAROLYN PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL Student Handbook 2023/2024
Ms. Temeka Smith, Principal
Ms. Pamela Rogers, Assistant Principal
35708 Liberty Drive
Slidell, LA 70460
(985) 643-8593
Our Goal at Carolyn Park Middle School is to develop students’ social, moral and intellectual abilities to become lifelong learners and productive citizens.
To the Student:
This handbook, along with the St. Tammany School Board’s Handbook on Attendance, Discipline and Student Records, contains information that you need to know and be familiar with. You must read these handbooks carefully and consult with teachers and administrators about any of it you do not understand. Knowing and understanding the contents of these booklets will help you not only to enjoy your school days more, but also to be a better citizen of Carolyn Park Middle School. Keep this and the other handbook with your school materials and refer to it during the year.
WEBSITE TO SCHOOL: www.carolynparkmiddle.stpsb.org
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are living in the following situations:
Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems;
Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of housing;
Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter;
Living in a vehicle of any kind; trailer park or campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station;
Awaiting foster care placement; or
Abandoned in a hospital.
Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:
Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there;
Enroll in school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records, or birth certificates and other documents;
Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth;
Get transportation to school;
Access educationally related support services.
The fundamental right to attend public school places upon students the accompanying responsibility to be faithful in attendance. Regular attendance can be assumed to be essential for a student’s successful progress in the instructional program.
School will begin at 8:05 a.m. and end at 3:16 p.m. Once students arrive on campus they are to remain until the end of the school day unless they are checked out through the office.
A student who has been absent from school must present a note to the office stating the reason for the absence. A student in attendance 50% of a day will be considered as a half day absence.
The school calendar reflects 177 instructional days of 371 instructional minutes each day for grades K-8. Elementary students must be present a minimum of 167 days to be eligible to receive credit for the courses passed. The only exception to the attendance regulations shall be the delineated extenuating circumstances that are verified by the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.
Students in danger of failing due to excessive absences may be allowed to make up missed seat time held outside of the regular school day. The makeup sessions must be completed before the end of the year for elementary/junior high students.
Students will not be excused for vacations or other family trips. Extenuating circumstances will be considered but must be approved by the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance. The circumstances must be verified by a physician, nurse practitioner, or dentist in order to be considered as an official excuse. There will be exceptions allowed based on the observance of special and recognized holidays of a student’s faith.
The only other exception must be verified by the principal for the purposes of school system approved travel for education, a death in the family, or a natural catastrophe or disaster. Students who are participating in school-approved field trips and other instructional activities will be considered present at school.
Students are expected to make up work assigned. When a student is absent it is the student’s responsibility to work out a schedule with the teachers for making up work missed during excused absences. Students will have three days to bring in a note excusing them for their absences. Students will receive credit for missed work if it is completed and turned in on time and if there is an excused absence. By School Board Policy, a student who is unexcused will be marked zero in all subject areas missed during the period of the absence.
Truancy is the willful and/or continued act of unexcused absence from school. The Principal is authorized to implement action designated to prevent a student’s non-attendance, which is contrary to law and School Board Policy.
The school is vitally interested in the health and well-being of each and every child.
For students wishing to receive any classroom assignments, a 24-hour notice is appreciated.
No child is to arrive at school prior to 7:35 a.m., as there are no provisions for supervision of your child until that time. No child is to be left at school after 3:45 p.m.
Parents will drop children off at the car ramp on Liberty Drive only, after 7:35 a.m. After arriving the children may:
Move directly to the cafeteria if they are eating breakfast, or to their designated playground area.
Students may report to their CICO (check in/check out) monitor.
Children are encouraged to use the restroom at this time.
On rainy days the children will sit quietly in the halls next to their respective classrooms.
Under no circumstances should students be dropped off in the parking lot.
The bus ramp and teachers’ parking lot are off limits to cars.
All outside gates are locked during school hours. Anyone arriving late or coming in to check out a student early must use the front gate by the office.
Visitors and volunteers should check in with the office and obtain a visitor’s pass.
If a student is late for school, his/her parent or guardian must accompany the student when signing in at the office. All students are expected to be on time for class. They must be in the classroom in their seat when the bell rings. Students who arrive after the beginning time for class sessions will be counted tardy for missing any class time during the day. No student will receive a perfect attendance award if he/she is tardy in excess of three times during the year. Both the office personnel and teachers will keep a record of tardies.
Students will not leave the school grounds during school hours without explicit permission from the office. Students who become ill or injured during a school day or who have a doctor’s appointment will be dismissed only after a parent, legal guardian, or person authorized by the parent comes to school and signs the student out. A student will not leave campus with any person other than that person designated on the emergency card. All persons authorized to pick up the student must be specified on the emergency card. Please be prepared to present a picture I.D. Students cannot be checked out between 2:45-3:16. Frequent early checkouts are disruptive to the learning process and can be detrimental to your child’s progress.
There will be awards ceremonies for all grades during the last month of school.
The parking lot and bus ramp are not to be used to drop students off or pick students up from school. Automobile traffic should make the block by using Garden Drive, coming down Liberty Drive past Bayou Woods to Carolyn Park car ramp on the side of the school.
Students riding bikes to school are required to wear a helmet and bring a lock and chain to secure their bike at the bike rack. Bikes are to be walked in the breezeway areas. No one should be walking or riding bikes in the parking lot. Habitual rule violations will result in disciplinary action.
Students who ride a bus are expected to follow behavior guidelines described in the pamphlet given at the beginning of the school year. Playground equipment (balls, bats, etc.) cannot be brought on the school bus.
A school bus with undisciplined passengers is a hazardous bus. The misbehavior of the students can lead to accidents. The driver must concentrate on the driving task at hand and cannot be expected to constantly discipline the students while the bus is in motion. Therefore, for the safe operation of the school bus, students should be aware of and obey the following safety rules:
Cooperate with the driver; your safety depends on it.
Be on time; the bus will not wait.
Cross the road cautiously when getting on and off the bus.
Follow the drivers’ instructions when loading and unloading.
Remain quiet enough not to distract the driver.
Have written permission and be authorized by the Principal to get off at a stop other than your own.
Do not stand when a seat is available and the bus is in motion.
Do not throw objects in the bus or out of the windows or doors.
Do not extend arms, head or other objects out of windows or doors.
Do not use the emergency door except for emergencies.
Do not eat or drink on the bus.
Do not use or possess tobacco, matches, obscene materials, weapons or other prohibited items on the bus.
No objects are allowed on the bus if prohibited by state or federal law or local school board policies. Do not damage the bus in any way. Be courteous, safety-conscious, protect your riding privilege--enjoy your ride.
Student cell phones are to be turned off and stowed away (out of sight) during the instructional day AND on the bus to and from school. If a student cell phone is confiscated because of use, it will be turned in to the office and available for pickup at the end of school by a parent. There will be a discipline consequence after the 1st warning.
A parent-teacher conference is a chance for two very important adults to talk about how a child is doing in school. It is a time for you, as a parent, to ask questions about any concerns you may have about your child?s progress. Since the time allowed for conferences is often limited, it is helpful for both parents and teachers to plan ahead. Call the school at 643-8593 to schedule a conference or write a note to your child's teachers.
A 24-hour notice must be given to personnel for a conference.
Teachers will not be called out of class for a conference. If a conference is needed with the Principal or Assistant Principal, please schedule the conference the day before. This will assure you that the administrator will be available for your most important concern.
All students are to participate in emergency drills to ensure emergency readiness.
When the alarm is sounded, students are to line up quietly and exit the classroom in an orderly manner.
All windows are to be closed, lights turned off, AC units turned off, and door closed as the last person exits.
Exit the building in a straight line to the designated evacuation area. Keep moving!
Reenter the building quietly when summoned and resume class work.
Students must bring a signed permission slip indicating the parents are aware the child is leaving campus. Original forms must be turned in to the homeroom teacher. Faxed permission slips or sent by e-mail will not be accepted. The student must also bring any monies needed to defray the cost of admission and transportation. Parents are invited to attend field trips to help chaperone. However, parents are asked not to bring small children with them for safety reasons.
Students will conduct themselves in a manner which reflects our school’s behavior expectations while attending off campus activities.
All students are expected to follow all school rules and regulations while attending off campus activities.
Using profane language or gestures is strictly forbidden.
Before going on a field trip each student must return a written permission slip signed by his/her parent or legal guardian giving the child permission to attend.
The administration reserves the right to deny a child permission to leave the campus on a field trip.
Students must be in uniform to attend field trips.
Parents, it is in your child’s best interest that we work together to provide him/her an optimum learning environment at school. We reserve the right to require appropriate behavior conducive to safety and success at school. All students are required to follow rules set forth. Parents and students should be aware there is no gum allowed on campus.
Be respectful at all times, work hard and you will succeed in school.
School wide Expectations: “THE EAGLE 3”
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
The purpose of our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) system is to improve the support for students in order to reduce behavioral challenges, increase independence, and ensure the development of appropriate behaviors to meet goals in the areas of social relationships, academic achievement, and functional life-skills. Our aim is to help our students become competent, confident citizens who are able to independently make appropriate decisions on a daily basis.
It is in your child’s best interest that we work together to provide him/her with a high quality learning environment. We reserve the right to require appropriate behavior conducive to safety and success at school. All students are required to follow rules set forth.
Daily: Students will receive daily recognition from teachers. Students can receive Eagle Bucks from any member of the school faculty or staff. Teachers can also develop their own daily incentive plan, including the use of classroom EAGLE 3 boards.
Weekly: Students will receive weekly recognition from teachers, including the use of classroom EAGLE 3 boards. Also, students will have the opportunity to purchase various items using their Eagle Bucks.
Quarterly: Students not receiving any Infraction Forms will participate in a “Good Behavior Bash”. Students not receiving a State Behavior Referral Form will be eligible to win a special prize.
Yearly: Students not receiving any State Behavior Forms all year will participate in an annual “Good Behavior Bash”.
Recess/Lunch Support is a school-level discipline consequence. Students will report to the designated room at the beginning of their Lunch/Recess Period. Students will be provided a lunch. During Support, a faculty member will supervise your child while he/she participates in a computer program called Ripple Effects. This experience will help your child reflect on his/her behavior and choose a positive replacement behavior to help him/her meet expectations in the future. Inappropriate behavior exhibited in Support may result in an Out-of-School Suspension.
Friday After School Support is an alternative to suspension. The dates are set by the School Board and are held every other week from 3:30 to 6:30 PM. Parents will be notified in writing on a State Behavior Form when Friday afternoon Support sessions are issued. A Friday Support will be issued immediately based on the severity of behavior. If an assigned Friday Support is not served, the student will be suspended for one school day. Inappropriate behavior exhibited in Friday Support may result in Out-of-School Suspension.
In School Support (ISS) is held every day on campus. This is an alternative to Out-of-School Suspension. Students remain with the ISS monitor the entire school day. Students will complete class work assigned by teachers or the ISS monitor. Credit will be given for completed work. The ISS monitor will only give work to the student if he/she completes the assigned work given by the teacher. Students will also participate in a computer program called Ripple Effects. This experience will help your child reflect on his/her behavior and choose a positive replacement behavior to help him/her meet expectations in the future. Inappropriate behavior exhibited in ISS may result in an Out-of-School suspension.
Refer to the Parish Policy Handbook for suspension procedures and offenses that can result in a suspension. Students missing school as a result of any suspension shall be counted as absent. Students will be permitted to make up missed work in a timely fashion.
• Procedures for re-entry to school after suspension include:
1st suspension: Conference with administrator for re-entry
2nd suspension: Conference with Supervisor of Administration at Slidell Annex at 646-4917*
3rd suspension: Conference with Supervisor of Administration at Slidell Annex at 646-4917*
4th suspension: Recommendation for expulsion
*Parents must call the appropriate office for the second and third suspension to schedule a conference.
Refer to Parish Policy Handbook for expulsion procedures.
All students at Carolyn Park are required to wear a school uniform. Our uniform is as follows:
BOTTOMS: Khaki cotton/blend pants-pleated or flat fly-inset pockets. Shorts, skorts, or jumpers are to be of a similar material. Leggings of a solid color can be worn under shorts, skirts, or jumpers. All of these bottoms must be the appropriate length as designed by Parish Handbook (fingertip).
SHIRTS: Polo-style royal blue with an optional logo or the uniform t-shirt. Undershirts must be tucked in pants (not hanging from under uniform shirt).
SHOES: Shoes must be closed toe, cover top foot area, and have a back. If the shoe has laces, they must be laced and the tongue of the shoe must lie under the laces. If shoes have a strap, the strap must be fastened. (Flip-flops, sling backs, sandals, crocs, potato shoes are examples of shoes that may not be worn.)
STUDENT IDs: Students are expected to wear their school issued ID at all times during the school day. The first 2 replacement ID’s are $ 5.00 each additional ID will be $ 10.00.
SPIRIT DAYS are days in which students may wear a Carolyn Park Spirit Shirt or club t-shirt with the appropriate uniform bottom.
HAIR should an acceptable well-groomed style. Hair also must be clean and not unusually colored. Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, designs, etc., will not be permitted.
HATS are not to be worn unless pre-approved by administration.
JACKETS, sweaters, and pullovers may be worn as long as they do not display offensive words or images, or are gang affiliated.
Jackets, sweaters, long sleeve shirts, or pullovers may not be worn on warm/hot weather days outside. Hoods may not be worn inside.
Unreasonably oversized or extreme (color and décor) sweatshirts, pullovers, jackets, belt buckles, jewelry or any other uniform infraction will not be allowed.
PLEASE LABEL CLOTHING WITH CHILD’S NAME. We have a Lost and Found box that gets full throughout the year and items with a name in them can easily be returned to their owners.
The administration at Carolyn Park may grant students a free dress day as a reward for positive behavior. Even though uniforms are not required on those days, the St. Tammany Parish Dress Code Guidelines must be followed. Failure to follow those guidelines will result in the parent being required to bring appropriate clothing to school for the student.
St. Tammany Parish does allow both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to wear their uniforms on their meeting days only.
The use or possession of illicit drugs and alcohol as well as unlawful possession of weapons is wrong and harmful. Please see the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Discipline, Attendance, and Student Records for dispensation of disciplinary action.
Communication with home on a weekly basis is sent in the Eagle Eye Envelope. Parents are asked to review the contents and sign the envelope. The Eagle Eye is sent home every Thursday. Please contact your child’s teacher if they are not bringing home their Eagle Eye.
Every student at Carolyn Park should have an emergency card on file in the office. These cards are sent home on the first day of school and should be filled out and returned the next day. If the information changes during the school year, please notify the office so your child’s card may be updated. These cards are very important to the safety and well-being of your child so please send them in quickly. Please be sure that we have current telephone numbers on file.
The agenda is an excellent communication tool used between school and home. Students are to use the agenda daily to set goals, write in homework assignments, project due dates, test dates, etc. Teachers and parents may communicate through the agenda by attaching or writing notes in it. This is a great organization tool for your child; please encourage them to use it and ask to see it on a regular basis. The first agenda is provided free of charge. If you would like to replace a lost or purchase additional agendas they are $5.00.
A student will receive appropriate discipline if he/she instigates or participates in a fight while under school supervision. “Under school supervision” also includes riding the bus, waiting for the bus and walking to and from school.
Fire extinguishers are placed in various convenient locations throughout the school. If tampered with, the student will be suspended for 3 days and the parent will be asked to refill the fire extinguisher if needed. Falsely pulling a fire alarm will result in an Out-of-School Suspension.
There will be a minimum of one evaluation for each child per week. Health/ Physical Education, Art, Music and Handwriting will receive grades of E, S, N and U. Letter grades will be assigned to Reading, Mathematics, English Language Arts (including Spelling), Science, and Social Studies. Grades shall be recorded in the class record book and averaged for the Quarter’s grades. The Quarter’s letter grade shall be recorded on the report card for the major subjects.
The statewide grading scale used is:
Grade Percentage (%)
A 93-100
B 85-92
C 75-84
D 67-74
F 0-66
Conduct will be considered separately and graded S, N, or U. With a grade of U in conduct, a parent conference will be requested.
Parents may check their child’s progress by going to the Student Progress Center website via the link on the school site or the parish site (https://jpams.stpsb.org/progress/). Your child’s code will be mailed to you at the beginning of the year. It you misplace the code it must be obtained from the Principal.
Sexual Harassment
Romantic or sexual advances toward students by employees or romantic or sexual relationships between school system employees and students are never appropriate, whether or not they are consensual or otherwise outside the definition of sexual harassment. Employees engaging in any inappropriate relationships with students will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. A student who believes that she/he has suffered sexual harassment may report the matter to the school principal. However, any teacher or other school employee who receives from a student a report of alleged sexual harassment shall immediately report the same to the school principal. Failure by the employee to do so may subject the employee to disciplinary action. If the student’s school principal is the alleged offender, such report by the students or by other school employees shall be made to the Title IX Supervisor in Central Office.
Mandated Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education and Reporting Program
As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grades K-8 will receive instruction on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education and Reporting. All materials that will be used in the instruction may be previewed by contacting the school administration. We would also like to encourage you to talk with your child about this topic as well as other general safety issues.
Homework is a means of reviewing and reinforcing the lessons taught in school. Homework is also a way to help students develop work habits that will assist him/her throughout the years spent in school. The following suggestions are offered to assist children with homework:
A. Ask your child if he/she has homework that day by looking in the school agenda. Be aware that homework is generally assigned every day.
B. Ask your child to show the homework to you and explain the completed work, thus expressing an interest in his/her progress.
C. See that your child completes the homework assignment without doing it for him/her.
D. Set aside a regular time to do homework without outside interferences.
E. Confer with your child’s teacher when your child is repeatedly having trouble with homework.
F. Understand that quarter grades may be lowered as a result of failure to return or complete homework assignments.
Principal’s Honor Roll is awarded to students who complete the quarter with a 4.0 grade point average. An Honor Roll is awarded to students who have a grade point average of 3.0 - 3.9. There is no rounding of grades for Honor Roll. A grade of U in Art, Music, P.E., or Handwriting will keep a student off the Honor Roll for that quarter.
“School Functions” and “Afterschool Activities” consist of school sanctioned parties and recreation, including PTA and PBIS sponsored dances and gatherings. They may occur during or after the normal school day. This does not include educational activities, such as Title 1 Events and Eagle Hour Tutoring.
The library opens at 7:35 a.m. on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Students may check out books before school, use the library for doing homework, or read until 8:00 each morning. At 8:00, students must report to their respective hallways for the morning bell. The pencil shop is also open at this time in the library. Teachers may sign up and use the library for a class if the library is not in use. Students may not check out books during the day since classes are being held. The library is also open for 15 minutes after school so students can check out and return books.
Students are required to bring their agendas to library class each week. The librarian will write reminders to the students about overdue books and fines in their agendas. If a student does not bring his/her agenda to class, they will receive a warning. After the third warning, an Infraction will be issued. Parents need to check their child's agenda for any library reminders.
The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen possessions brought to school without permission or clearance from school officials. Each student is responsible for his/her personal property. Students should only bring what is required for the day’s activities. Students are to leave their valuables at home. NO TOYS, RADIOS, IPODS, CARDS, LASER LIGHTS, BALLS, BASEBALLS, FOOTBALLS, CAPS, HATS, OR WALKMANS ARE ALLOWED AT SCHOOL. The teachers or administrators will confiscate these items and return them to the parents. Please label coats, sweatshirts and lunch boxes.
Breakfast will be served from 7:35 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. daily. The cafeteria will stop serving breakfast at 8:00 a.m.
Students will purchase breakfast and lunch by sending a check or money to school in an envelope on Mondays. Each student will be assigned a lunch number, which should be written on the envelope along with the child’s name and homeroom teacher. Checks will be deposited the day they are received and a service charge is added to any NSF checks. Cafeteria fees may also be paid online via the MyPaymentsPlus system (https://www.mypaymentsplus.com/).
Parents, please pay close attention to your student’s balance as this can quickly get out of control. Students with a negative balance will be added to the Owe List (see below) and will not be allowed to participate in School Functions and Afterschool Activities, including school sanctioned parties and recreation, as well as PTA and PBIS sponsored dances and gatherings (both during and after school). Please note that students on the Owe List will not be excluded from educational activities, such as Title 1 Events and Eagle Hour Tutoring.
Students will not be allowed to have any medication in their possession at school. This includes over-the-counter medication as well as prescribed medication. Personnel in the office cannot and will not administer medication without a proper Medical Release Authorization Form on file. When special circumstances exist for a chronic health problem the following procedure will be followed:
Written orders from a physician detailing the name of the drug, dosage, and time interval medication is to be taken will be recorded on the appropriate form provided by the school.
Written request and permission from the parent or guardian of the student requesting that the school comply with the physician’s order.
Medication must be brought to the school by an adult in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician.
Each medication given will be recorded on a medication log, which includes date, time, dosage, and signature of person giving medication.
The parent shall arrange for the safe delivery of the medication to and from school by a responsible adult. That adult will assist the school personnel with the counting of the medication to be kept at school. Medication will be signed for in the presence of faculty/staff and parent or guardian.
Parents must supply all necessary items needed for the administration of the medication (i.e., syringes, measuring implements, etc.)
Ringworm must be treated with an anti-fungal cream and covered with a bandage.
An NSF check charge of $15.00 will be collected for any checks written to Carolyn Park which are returned. After a second NSF check is received, you will be required to use cash or a money order for paying any monies to Carolyn Park.
Students placed on the “CPMS Owe List” will not be able to attend School Functions or Afterschool Activities (see below for definitions). The Owe List will include:
Students who owe money to the school or cafeteria
Students who owe classroom assignments, tests, or projects
Students who have been assigned to ICU
Students who have lost Library or Textbooks
“School Functions” and “Afterschool Activities” consist of school sanctioned parties and recreation, including PTA and PBIS sponsored dances and gatherings. They may occur during or after the normal school day. This does not include educational activities, such as Title 1 Events and Eagle Hour Tutoring.
All students are expected to wear their uniform in group pictures and fall pictures.
In order to be promoted to the next grade level at the end of the school year, a student shall pass the following
English Language Arts AND Math; AND Science or Social Studies.
If your child is in danger of retention due to grades, the teacher will send a letter home at the end of the third nine weeks.
For the first, second, and third quarters, all report cards will be given out to the student following the close of the quarter. Parents are expected to sign the Eagle Eye Envelope and return it to the child’s homeroom teacher the following day. At the close of the fourth quarter, report cards will not be given out the last student day! They will be mailed from the Central Office in Covington.
All textbooks are the property of the State of Louisiana. Student use of state-owned books carries with it the basic responsibility of proper use and good care. If a book is damaged beyond use or it is not returned at the end of the session or when the student drops or transfers out of the class, the student must make payment at the original cost of replacing the book. Students are expected to bring their books to class each day. Students are not to loan their books to other students. Each child is responsible for the books issued to him/her.
All visitors are to report to the office and receive a visitor’s pass, for obvious safety reasons while on the school campus. A driver’s license or state issued photo ID must be presented in order to obtain the visitor’s pass. Teacher Parent visits are not allowed during instructional time; however, conferences may be scheduled to discuss student progress or behavior.
Parents or guardians of students being withdrawn must notify the office one day in advance of withdrawal. Students must secure withdrawal forms from the Attendance Secretary before homeroom on the last day of attendance. All school property must be returned and accounts settled for final clearance by the office. Records will not be sent to another school until they are requested by the new school. If transferring to a school in the parish, a Letter of Assignment must be obtained from the School Board Annex Office, Slidell, before registering at the new school.
Bullying Policy
At Carolyn Park Middle School, we take all types of bullying very seriously. Students should feel safe and secure on our campus and we intend to help ensure that safety by informing all of the bullying policy, continuing education on this issue throughout the year, investigating reports of bullying, and enforcing consequences for violators of the policy. Please take the time to read this policy with your child and discuss each aspect in detail. This policy will also be read and discussed at school with all students. After reading the policy, if you or your child have any questions, please feel free to call. Most importantly, we rely on all school members to help report this type of behavior so it can be handled appropriately. Keeping the lines of communication open between school and home will help CPMS be a safe environment for all.
Carolyn Park Middle School administration, faculty, staff and parents/families of students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) agree that this Compact outlines how the parents/families, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents/families will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.
This School-Parent Compact is in effect during school year 2023/2024
School Responsibilities
Carolyn Park Middle School will:
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows: The teachers will use the parish-designed curriculum as well as the State Department of Education’s website to guide instruction and provide appropriate pacing throughout the year.
Hold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools) during which this Compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. Conferences will be held throughout the school year as deemed necessary by the teacher or parent.
Provide parents/families with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Weekly papers will be sent home each Thursday reflecting both academic and behavior progress. Grades will be entered into the parish-based progress monitoring system in a timely manner. Progress reports and quarterly report cards will be sent home according to STPSB guidelines. Parents will be notified at the end of the 1st semester and again at the end of the 3rd quarter if their child is in danger of failing a class.
Provide parents/families reasonable access to staff. Parents/families will contact the teacher or call the school secretary to arrange conferences. These conferences are to be held before school, after school or during a teacher’s designated planning period.
Provide parents/families opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class or school and to observe classroom activities when requested. Parents/families are always welcome to observe their child’s classroom and assist the teacher when needed. Parents/families are also welcome to assist with fundraising activities, field trips, field days, book fairs, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad and any other activities that may come up throughout the year.
Parents/Families Responsibilities
We, as parents/families, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:
Monitoring attendance.
Making sure that homework is completed.
Monitoring amount of television their children watch.
Volunteering in my child’s school.
Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my child’s education.
Promoting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.
Staying informed about my child’s education and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate.
Serving, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups, such as being the Title I, Part A parents/families representative on the school’s School Improvement Team, the Title I Policy Advisory Committee, the District wide Policy Advisory Council, the State’s Committee of Practitioners, the School Support Team or other school advisory or policy groups.
Checking my child’s grades and progress in school regularly using the district-wide student progress center located on the parish website.
Student Responsibilities
We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards. Specifically, we will:
Do my homework every day and ask for help when I need to.
Read at least 30 minutes every day outside of school time.
Give to my parents or the adult who is responsible for my welfare all notices and information received by me from my school every day.
Follow the school expectations and procedures.
Additional Required School Responsibilities
Carolyn Park Middle School will:
Involve parents/families in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s parental involvement policy, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way.
Involve parents/families in the joint development of any school-wide program plan, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way.
Hold an annual meeting to inform parents/families of the school’s participation in Title I, Part A programs, and to explain the Title I, Part A requirements, and the right of parents/families to be involved in Title I, Part A programs. The school will convene the meeting at a convenient time to parents/families, and will offer a flexible number of additional parents/families engagement meetings, such as in the morning or evening, so that as many parents/families as possible are able to attend. The school will invite to this meeting all parents/families of children participating in Title I, Part A programs (participating students), and will encourage them to attend.
Provide information to parents/families of participating students in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon the request of parents/families with disabilities, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that parents/families can understand.
Provide to parents/families of participating children information in a timely manner about Title I, Part A programs that includes a description and explanation of the school’s curriculum, the forms of academic assessment used to measure children’s progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
At the request of parents/families, provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents/families to formulate suggestions, and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children.
Provide to each parents/families an individual student report about the performance of their child on the State assessment in at least math, language arts and reading.
Optional School Responsibilities
To help build and develop a partnership with parents/families to help their children achieve the State’s high academic standards, Carolyn Park Middle School will:
Recommend to the Local Educational Agency (LEA), the names of parents/families of participating children of Title I, Part A programs who are interested in serving on the State’s Committee of Practitioners and School Support Teams.
Work with the LEA in addressing problems, if any, in implementing parental involvement activities in section 1116 of Title I, Part A.
Work with the LEA to ensure that a copy of the SEA’s written complaint procedures for resolving any issue of violation(s) of a Federal statute or regulation of Title I, Part A programs is provided to parents/families of students and to appropriate private school officials or representatives.
Notify parents/families of Title I programs and of resources available for assistance.